Country Story 3000 EXP
Program do you need :
1. Cheat Engine 5.5
2. Firefox
3. Flash Player 9
Step :
1. Open Country Story.
2. Open Cheat Engine 5.5.
3. Click Process List and search Firefox.exe.
4. Tick Hex, Change Value type to 8 bytes, and Tick Also Scan Read-Only Memory.
5. Copy this code FC2444C7C1580FF2 to your cheat engine.
6. Click First Scan.
7. You will get 1 address.
8. Right Click, Dissamble this memory region.
9. Right click on the first line, Change Register At This Location.
10. Tick EBX, and type BB8, Click OK.
11. Don't Close Memory Viewer or not work.
Enjoy your Cheat ~
1. Cheat Engine 5.5
2. Firefox
3. Flash Player 9
Step :
1. Open Country Story.
2. Open Cheat Engine 5.5.
3. Click Process List and search Firefox.exe.
4. Tick Hex, Change Value type to 8 bytes, and Tick Also Scan Read-Only Memory.
5. Copy this code FC2444C7C1580FF2 to your cheat engine.
6. Click First Scan.
7. You will get 1 address.
8. Right Click, Dissamble this memory region.
9. Right click on the first line, Change Register At This Location.
10. Tick EBX, and type BB8, Click OK.
11. Don't Close Memory Viewer or not work.
Enjoy your Cheat ~